Sunday, 26 February 2012

Oakgrove surprise

The surprise being that I actually enjoyed this morning's walk!  The glorious sunshine helped, as many of the residents were in full song, including 3 Song Thrushes and 4 Skylarks.  A few breeders have returned too, with 2 Meadow Pipits on the plain, and a pair of Reed Buntings by the ponds.

Jay, Green Woodpecker, Long-tailed Tit and Bullfinch were also seen, and a Cormorant and a pair of Mute Swans flew upriver.

All very nice!


  1. So whats the year List tally then Fop ?

  2. Look on the spreadsheet you lazy oik.

    About 47 I think. Might hit the 50 by the end of March!

  3. if you click on the chart it shows you - thats cool! 48 - running total is much easier for lazy oiks ;-)
