Tuesday, 28 February 2012

3.5 Hour patch visit - Part 2

Welcome back ! we had finished part one as I was heading under the A5 onto the south section of the river walk and then into lodge lake
River Walk - South Section - Conifer Plantation is on the right up a hill

Looking towards Lodge Lake Sluice
Typically there was very little along this section , its the most open after the Stevie Wonder school of butchers have been let loose with a chainsaw , but the tension that mounts as you walk into lodge lake proper .......

I split Lodge Lake up into 5 sections - Big Arm , Smew Arm , Southern Pond, the Channel and Reedbed - the channel is actually part of Smew arm , but it breaks the sections down - Mondays haul was as follows - Big Arm - 3 Great Crested Grebes, 5 Cormorant, 145 Black Headed Gulls, 2 Mute Swans and 6 Canada Geese

Big Arm looking North

Bully ! all this Mute Swan does is chase a pair of Canada Geese around !
 Moving round the Big arm you come to the Southern Boundry Sluice and Southern Pond area , the pond area drew a whole Coot and 2 moorhens, while the sluice bushes held Great Spotted Woodpecker and 6 Bullfinches
Southern Boundry

Southern Pond looking a lot better then it is !
 After walking round Southern Pond i had a nice surprise in the start of the channel - a smart summer plumaged LITTLE GREBE (YT-59) it eventually followed me all along the channel out into Smew Arm

Channel pond - the Little Grebe was under the water on the right when I took this
The Channel

Tree resting Black Headed Gulls!

The Channel opening out onto Smew Arm - You can just see fishermans island

 The Smew arm is much less busy then Big arm, the Little Grebe moved out to the hidden bay , there was a WATER RAIL along the northern edge which flew between two reedbeds and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over , from here a quick walk round fishermans Island brings you to the Reedbed

Hidden Bay on Smew Arm - the Little Grebe is in this picture !

View of Smew arm from Fishermans island looking north
The reedbed is made up of 4 areas - Fishermans bed , Cettis left and Cettis right and then the Clump.
On Monday there was 4 Reed Buntings and 2 Bullfinches in various bits !
Fishermens Bed

Cettis Left (the other side of Fishermens bed)

Cettis Right ( the Clump is the tall trees in background)

The Clump ( this was where the Treecreeper was a few days ago)
And then we are back on the Loop back to Bradwell - which will appear in Part 3
View looking north across Smew Arm - The Water Rail was in this front bed.

View looking west down northern shore - the underpass is just on the right


  1. Nice! Recognise some of those spots, although don't remember the reed beds.

  2. Pretty sure we tried there on a bird race and got water rail and poss cettis ? Oh and little grebe !
