Friday, 17 February 2012

First half of February in Swanton Novers

To get fully up to date and try to post more frequent updates, here are the least boring bits of February so far...

Whilst on one of my many, many trips to B&Q (if I ever say 'I'll do the Bathroom myself' again, please do slap me), a lone Lapwing flying the parish side of the Melton Constable road was a long overdue addition to my parish list.

I found a nice Woodcock bobbing and feeding alongside the Guist road earlier in Feb before I had a bit of a red-letter day at home - a male Goosander flew east over the house on the 10th, I assume heading for open water on Melton Park lake, and then a couple of hours later, a Red Kite appeared overhead (only my second Kite here).

To finish the first half of the month, a flock of about 30 Pink-footed Geese flew over calling at tree-top height on the 13th. This brings my year list to 56.

Right, back to tiling the bathroom.

P.S. still no House Sparrow...

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