Whilst on one of my many, many trips to B&Q (if I ever say 'I'll do the Bathroom myself' again, please do slap me), a lone Lapwing flying the parish side of the Melton Constable road was a long overdue addition to my parish list.
I found a nice Woodcock bobbing and feeding alongside the Guist road earlier in Feb before I had a bit of a red-letter day at home - a male Goosander flew east over the house on the 10th, I assume heading for open water on Melton Park lake, and then a couple of hours later, a Red Kite appeared overhead (only my second Kite here).
To finish the first half of the month, a flock of about 30 Pink-footed Geese flew over calling at tree-top height on the 13th. This brings my year list to 56.
Right, back to tiling the bathroom.
P.S. still no House Sparrow...
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