Thankfully the regular Cuckoo has made it back, and was calling on Thurs and Fri evening. The last couple of years have seen the occasional second male too, so we'll see if that happens again.
I finally managed to see the pair of Garganey during the week, after four frustrating dips. A few unusual duck are still on site - up to 7 Teal, 1pr Pochard, and a male Red-crested Pochard. 3 Wigeon seen mid-week seem to have done the off, and Shoveler cleared out about a week ago, going from 27 down to zero in a matter of days.
Despite the constant close attentions of neighbouring Jackdaws, the pair of Barn Owls may well be breeding in their box. Thurs night saw one bird (presume the male?) carrying prey into the box twice.
Waders are still very thin on the ground, with only the odd LRP and Redshank of interest.
And I've missed out on a couple of patch birds too - Si saw a couple of Arctic Terns move through mid-week, and this evening a Ring Ouzel has been found in the paddocks on the west side of the reserve. I can't be arsed to go for it though - too cold, too windy, too wet, and dinner's in the oven anyway......
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