Monday, 30 April 2012


A stonking male Barwit just flew through Broom. Matt got so excited he had to strike a pose!


The first spring like morning in weeks...and a good walk around the fields and into the woods was very pleasant. There are singing Chiffchaff and Willow Warblers everywhere and at least 5 Whitethroats in the hedgerows in the Church area (YT 81). There were also a few Swallows passing through.

A quick walk through the Northern end of the woods was pretty quiet although a singing Cuckoo (YT 82) was nice and the biggest surprise was a singing Garden Warbler (YT 83) in the Clay Pits area. Had a flyby Tawny Owl on one of the rides, which was good to see!

Hopefully the migration floodgates have finally opened and the summer visitors will start piling in!


Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Migrants cometh !

A great 5 minutes on the patch today !

There is actually a Common Tern in this one !

A bit like the Ouse washes

I did nearly wet myself with excitement !
I decided to check out the Flood plain , as its basically , flooding every where , the net result is ..... A Lake ! and not a crappy lake like Lodge Lake , which still has yet to record a Hirundine , but one with a real life actual COMMON TERN (YT - 68) feeding on it ! and thats not all , a flock of Dark specs revealed themselves to be 35 BARN SWALLOWS , 4 HOUSE MARTINS (YT - 69) and most precious of all a single SAND MARTIN (YT - 70) ....

here is a nice pic of a Wheatear that I took from the car in the rain through my bins ! Alas , this was not on the patch , but @ CMK


Rares at last

An interesting weekend at Linford, not least in the change in water levels.  The bund is now almost entirely underwater, the various reserve pools are at high levels, and the river Ouse has flooded near Blackhorse Lake.  Pretty sure I saw Noah drifting by this evening, waving from his boat.

Anyway, an early morning stakeout with Si on Saturday was ace.  He turned up at some stupidly early hour, I turned up a little later, but luckily hadn't missed anything.  Just when it looked like interest would be confined to watching wagtails and the Garganey on the bund, a Whimbrel flew in from the east, and didn't stop, heading towards Gayhurst.  Fifteen minutes later, a Little Tern flew in (also from the east), but this time battled against the wind and headed across to Blackhorse.  Brilliant stuff, and my first Little Tern at Linford since the mid-1990's.

Also evident were large number of hirundines, mostly coming in from the SE, feeding over the water, and scooting off NW.  Difficult to accurately count, as plenty lingered for some time, but certainly hundreds of Swallow and Sand Martin.  Also 2 male Shoveler were on the bund, the Dabchick were squealing away from St Peters, and 4 each of Yellow Wag and LRP were also on site.

As an additional bonus, we finally saw both the Cuckoo, and the Gropper, the last showing very well as it sung from the front meadow.  Also a definite increase in warblers on site, with 3+ Reed, 4 Sedge, and c6 Willow Warblers.  But still no Sylvia's other than Blackcap.

A visit after the rain today was somewhat less productive.  A few large gulls batted over NE, a male Wigeon was on the bund, and 5+ Swifts zipped around amongst the mass of hirundines.

Winds are generally from the east over the next week, and normally this would be good for waders, but with absolutely no bund for them to land on, it's going to be a struggle to increase the year list.  However, if the council get their act together and open the sluice gates (unlikely), that might make for a different story.

The rain stopped...

...the sun came out and 2 Swallows drifted over the house (80).

Then the clouds closed back in and the rain started again.


Friday, 27 April 2012

What a shit evening

First I walk away from Broom only to be told a Roseate Tern flew in a few minutes after I left, then promptly left as I drove back. Then I got told those looking for the tern see a Rough-legged Buzzard fly over! Arse, bum, knob. Let's get pissed tonight instead...

Migrants AT LAST !

I have not given the patch much love recently , cheating on it with Linford and Willen ! So I thought a dedicated search for Warblers was in order and walked the entire lake circuit , taking just over an hour

at least 9 BLACKCAP territories were noted with at least 2 females seen , 5 singing CHIFFCHAFFS and 3 Singing WILLOW WARBLERS was the tally ...... very poor show for the Acros ! Still no Sedge or Reed in , i was just heading back to the car when i thought i would give the scrubby reedbed a go - bang ! Scratchy song revealed a Male COMMON WHITETHROAT ( YT - 66 )

Other birds were a KINGFISHER ( carrying a fish , so presumably breeding along the river somewhere ? ) and 3 BULLFINCHES

a drive by @ the Flood Plain produced the first BARN SWALLOW ( YT-67 ) tacking north in a rain shower and frustratingly what was a probable Redstart seen at some distance diving into a tree , 5 minutes of staring produced nothing more , so the one that got away .... ( I had to rush off and see a Barshank, so no time to search ! )

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Continues to be slow...

...and the Ring Ouzel remains elusive. Well, when I say elusive, I mean that I have no idea who is reporting it or exactly where. So I haven't seen it. Despite many hours trudging around the parish fields and hedgerows.

Still no new summer arrivals nor any passage migrants. Maybe tomorrow?


Wednesday, 25 April 2012

My Tern to moan !

Despite there being 2 Reed Warblers @ the rubbishest site in MK yday , and Common Terns and Hirundines @ Furzton this morning , Lodge lake steadfastly fails to deliver any migrant goodies whatsoever !

I very wet look and listen this morning revealed 7 Canada Geese, 2 GC Grebes and 2 Coots ..... Not exactly what dreams are made from !


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Definitely not my tern

No 'tic terns at Linford this evening - hardly surprising, the place doesn't really attract large numbers of passage terns.  In fact it's possible to argue that Linford barely attracts terns at all.

Anyway, the Gropper was singing again from the front meadow, the Garganey flew in late evening, and about 35 Swallow chattered away as they fed over the lake.  Still no Swifts or Hobby.

My tern!

A great day for passage Arctic Ts!  So far (mid-afternoon) the number of Arctic Terns moving through Broom has been 69.  Not much else associated with the movement, but I have also seen my first Swift of the year, and dipped yet another Marsh Harrier.

Sunday, 22 April 2012


Yesterday's typical Rob moaning seems to have done the trick - 3 warbler species new in at Linford today. 2 (possibly 3) Sedge Warblers, 1 Reed Warbler and 1 Gropper all singing from the reedy scrub at the edge of the front meadow.  The Gropper was maddeningly elusive, my blind eyes unable to pick it out even though it was singing merely 10ft away.  Simon, with the eyes of a hawk, saw the bird later in the evening (he also saw the Cuckoo, which I'm glad to say seems undeterred by the chilly weather).

Also on site today, 1 Common Sand and pairs of Pochard and Teal still.  No sign of yesterday's ouzel though.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Linford catch up

In common with much of the UK, summer migrants are currently rather slow to arrive.  No Reed or Sedge yet, no Whitethroats or Garden Warblers, Hobbies or Swifts.  Blackcap and Chiffchaff though seem everywhere on the reserve, maybe 10+ singing of each.  In contrast, only 2 Willow Warblers are currently on territory, about average for recent years.

Thankfully the regular Cuckoo has made it back, and was calling on Thurs and Fri evening.  The last couple of years have seen the occasional second male too, so we'll see if that happens again.

I finally managed to see the pair of Garganey during the week, after four frustrating dips.  A few unusual duck are still on site - up to 7 Teal, 1pr Pochard, and a male Red-crested Pochard.  3 Wigeon seen mid-week seem to have done the off, and Shoveler cleared out about a week ago, going from 27 down to zero in a matter of days.

Despite the constant close attentions of neighbouring Jackdaws, the pair of Barn Owls may well be breeding in their box.  Thurs night saw one bird (presume the male?) carrying prey into the box twice.

Waders are still very thin on the ground, with only the odd LRP and Redshank of interest.

And I've missed out on a couple of patch birds too - Si saw a couple of Arctic Terns move through mid-week, and this evening a Ring Ouzel has been found in the paddocks on the west side of the reserve.  I can't be arsed to go for it though - too cold, too windy, too wet, and dinner's in the oven anyway......

Friday, 20 April 2012

Another day another soaking

Peak count of 25 Common Terns tonight. The only new patch bird of today was the Common Sand on GLE. Also one White Wag still, and the usual watery things. Two broods of Greylags have also popped out on the main lake - one of seven, the other of four. Oh almost forgot the other new bird from today - my first House Martins of the year this evening too.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Drive by patching...

...produced 2 Oystercatchers by the small field pond on Tin Shed Lane this evening :-)


Update @ NLVP

Despite being out on the patch in drive bys every day since my last postings , there really has not been anything exciting !

Today I finally had a walk around Lodge Lake , at least 6 Singing Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff and 1 WILLOW WARBLER (same bird in full voice now)

2 Reed Bunting were the only other species of note - still no Acro's ?


Tew more

Greenshank and Whitethroat were this mornings highlights. Also four tundra Ringed Plovers for a while before heading off again north-west.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

All quiet in SN

Not much happening here in Norfolk. After a mass arrival of Willow Warblers and Blackcap a week ago, all has been quiet since. Someone reported a Ring Ouzel in the village last week. The Brambling have disappeared but Siskin continue to visit the feeders.

2 White-fronted Geese over the garden were a real surprise. Probably escape artists although after the large numbers in Norfolk this winter, they could be genuine wild birds...


Tuesday, 17 April 2012

How many Arctics?

Answer later tonight:

Derek Whites Eggs Sandwich

Yay!  I found a Sandwich Tern this lunchtime between showers, but boo because it was on my other patch Derek Whites Eggs pit and doesnt count for this comp.

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Or it could have been the twoo? Either way, Tawny Owl slips on the Broom list after hearing one calling this morning in Moat House spinney.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Inevitable but still rather dispiriting, it looks like building work has started on Oakgrove.  Intended visit at lunchtime found fences and portacabins up, diggers in action on the plain, earth already excavated.

That's half a dozen fewer breeding pairs of Skylark in MK this summer then, and the Gropper habitat torn up.

At the moment, the north side and some of that edge tree belt seems to be untouched, but the plain is completely off limits, and depending on the nature of the work, birds on the smaller northern half could be due for considerable disturbance.

A subsequent visit to Campbell Park failed to lift the spirits.  Singing Blackcaps are now into double figures, and the first couple of Willow Warblers have arrived.  Chuff all else though.

Time to move to a nice little village somewhere!

Fourth time lucky

On only my fourth attempt to see it in the last 24 hours, I finally caught up with my patch-tick Short-eared Owl! Only the second record for Broom too. Then I celebrated by getting the Water Rails on the G&M Growers pits too. Not a bad day. The only downer was missing another Marsh Harrier, this one by only a few minutes as I headed back to my car.

Some nice stuff , but nothing new !

Hi All

5 Buzzards and a KESTREL over the garden this morning in 20 minutes was quite nice , as was a JAY @ the Flood Plain , 2 Chiffchaffs and a WILLOW WARBLER were again @ the lake , as was a Song Thrush, 5 Blackbirds, 4 Robins and 5 BLACKCAPS in the tilled field , no hoped for scarce chats or thrushes though !

A few visits over the Bank holiday weekend resulted in a few scarce for the patch , cf only the 2nd COAL TIT of the year near middle Paddock , STOCK DOVE feeding in the tilled field at the Lake ( along with Mistle Thrush, 6 Song Thrush and 4 Blackbird ) and a JAY, which flew towards the plantation.

Otherwise a pair of Blue Tits are now using the nest box in the garden and a Blackcap has set up territory just out the back of my Garden



Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Shame they are departing ones, rather than new arrivals...20+ Redwings was my only reward for 2 hours kicking hedges and scanning paddocks in the rain yesterday. The midden was still devoid of birds too.

I have high hopes for this giant pile of poo
I have 2 Brambling regularly coming to my feeders. And 2 Fieldfare flew over when I opened the chicken house at 05:50 this morning.

My avian photography just gets better and better
I did hear my first Willow Warbler and Blackcap of the year, shame I was about 200 yds into Barney, the parish to the West of Swanton Novers.

The parish boundary with Barney

Monday, 9 April 2012

game on?

In the Linford vs Broom challenge, my Linford 2012 list has moved up to 90, thanks to the flurry of birds over the Easter weekend.  Still lagging though.....

Plenty more to come I hope.  Targets for the next couple of weeks - waders at Linford, and Ring Ouzel, Pied Fly and Whinchat at Campbell Park/Oakgrove.

Broom update

Not much new in recent days - I found a Yellow Wag on GLE and I also realised I never added Treecreeper from a few weeks ago.  These two put me on 99 for the year.  However there are still some easy ones to get.  These include Water Rail (currently in the reedier pools by G&M Growers), Barn Owl, and House Sparrow.  Lots to expect in the next few days too...

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Team Broom

Mark T, Matt B, and Martin S at Broom. More birders than birds this morning!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Black Red

Black Reds are more or less annual at CMK, so it was no surprise when one turned up today (despite being initially misidentified as a male Redstart).  It's still the best bird to turn up on my patch this year though, so I made my way over once it's true identity became clear.

A nice first-summer male, with a coal black face, the usual shivering rusty tail, and brown wings, with no hint of a wing panel.  Also on site, 1pr of Linnet.

At Campbell Park yesterday, absolutely nothing of note except dog walkers, a type who I'm developing an almost pathological dislike for, waddling around letting their beloved pooches trash and crap over anything that photosynthesises.  I think I've found the Kestrel nest though, in a nice big half-dead tree by the canal.

My other patch, the one I pay more attention to, Linford, has enjoyed a reasonable few days.  Dunlin, males of Pintail and Red-crested Dullard, a significant hirundine movement, and best of all a splendid male Redstart today.

Bring on the next few weeks!

Predictable Patch Tick ...

A 2 hour Bike route through the patch with Kellie only revealed a WILLOW WARBLER ( poorly singing near the Lake ) of any note. 18 CHIFFCHAFFS and 3 BLACKCAPS were the only other migrants of note. Singles of Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers made up the supporting cast , also 2 Little Egrets and 26 Blackbirds noted ( and 1 Mistle, 3 Song Thrushes )

Tufted Duck and Swallow @ Furzton were much more exciting ! 

Theres always tomorrow ......


Friday, 6 April 2012


Just when I thought I had missed them this winter, a nice male Brambling on next door's feeders...visible from my garden :-)


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Not a lot ....

Although I have checked the wasteground and Lake pretty much every day for last 5 days , nothing much to report.

A CHIFFCHAFF was singing from copse at back of house on Sunday morning , Buzzard flew over house on Monday afternoon , Little Egrets seen daily , mostly flying over the Concrete cows area , Great Crested Grebe appears to be nesting on the Tern platform.

The newly ploughed area by the lake is attracting some Turdus interest , 3 Blackbirds, 2 Song Thrush and a Robin this AM.

I will be getting out this afternoon !



Two up, one down

Willow Warbler yesterday, three Egyptian Geese today. But the kicker was dipping the site-first Red-breasted Merganser by five minutes. Arse biscuits!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

expected egret

A Little Egret flew over Campbell Park at lunch, coming from the direction of Willen.  One of those PYT's that's half-expected, but good to actually get out of the way.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Med Gulls continue

Didn't get out around the patch, busy in the Garden. However, just like last Sunday, 2 Med Gulls drifted over calling with 2 Black-headed Gulls. Great to get decent views this time! Even better - I was in my Garden :-)

Also 12+ Redwings flew over the house as I went down to shut the Chickens up at 19:30.

Need to start doing some night listening for ducks and waders I think...

Swanton Novers - March 2012 Summary

Another month, another summary and some pointless, pretty graphs.

Monthly species totals

Click through to see the species list.

A few migrants

Had the day off work on Friday and took the opportunity to give Campbell Park a thorough going over.  Wish I hadn't really.  Just another reminder, if I needed it, at the sheer amount of cover here.  Plus point - it should attract some good stuff; downside - finding said stuff could be hard work.

Anyway, there was evidence of a few new arrivals; a male Reed Bunting was singing by the pond, and 8 Chiffchaffs and 3 Blackcaps were also in song.  22 Redwing were at Overgate, where a pair of Kestrels were hunting.  Will be interesting to see if they nest within the park.

Along the central ridge I found a small conifer plantation and was rather pleased to immediately find a pair of Goldcrest - a well overdue PYT.  They were busy engaged in singing and collecting nest material (moss from a tree stump).

Moving onto Oakgrove, I tramped round for 45mins seeing nowt much, when a familiar trilling call drew my attention to 7 Lesser Redpolls flying over north-east.  Now we're talking - I wasn't sure I'd get Redpoll this year, hence smug text to Si.  I also finally saw a Treecreeper, a singing bird, and 1 Blackcap and 4 Chiffchaff were also new in.

Finishing off at CMK, there was a smart male Wheatear, after a gap of a week or so since those first 3.  Typical spring Wheats.  As we move into April, they should be a daily presence.

What I did notice was that at Campbell and Oakgrove, a lot of the common birds seemed to be plentiful.  Great Tits actually seem to be growing on trees, Dunnocks and Blackbirds are everywhere, and each site held at least 3 singing Song Thrushes.  The cricket pitch area at Campbell is best for finches, and there's currently at least 3-4 each of singing Greenfinches and Goldfinches there.

Finally on Saturday, a bright female Wheatear which I saw in the morning had presumably moved on by the time Si arrived on site late afternoon.  Never mind young Nichols, it'll feel all the sweeter when you find one on your wasteground (if indeed that ever happens.......:-)).