Sunday, 12 January 2014

A claw back !

I will ignore and rise above Wheelspins comment about my Footit score ;-)

Great couple of days , but only one addition - but its a goodie ! and will require Ash to go most days to try and get it back - the immortal TUFTED DUCK ! - There were 3 Drakes on Friday when i WALKED round the lake ;-) , I also had a WATER RAIL sharming by Smew arm and 4 Snipe and 2 Meadow Pipits on the Plain. 2 LITTLE GREBES were also at the end of the top inlet. Also took a few photos at the Abbey Paddocks.

Just to prove they were taken on the Lake 
Oh Yes ! How excited ! 
Geese !



Redder Winger 

Saturday and Sunday involved bootcamps around Lodge Lake - No sign of the Tufted Ducks ( they have never stayed into a 2nd day ) but 4 MUTE SWANS flew over ( 3 Adults and a juv )

Sunday had nothing of note

So 58 on 12th and still Green Woodpecker to fall ;-)



Friday, 10 January 2014

Footing It in Swanton Novers

Although I am meant to be doing Salthouse as my patch this year, I couldn't resist also doing the 1 mile radius footit challenge. Its only for January and Si and Ash were up for it too. Now I am sure that Ash is following the footit rules as he can't drive but Mr Nichols...lets see if his footit list is the same as his patch list for January ;-)

I have headed out into the wilds of Swanton Novers on a few occasions and things have been very slow so far. I am missing a few really easy species (Stock Dove, Yellowhammer, Barn Owl, Buzzard) and some expected birds (Teal, Grey Heron and Red-legged Partridge).

The highlights have been a Meadow Pipit flying around the long hedge field frantically calling (previous 2 records were autumn birds), Crossbills are always nice to see and 300 Pink-footed Geese over were very nice, if not unexpected at this time of year.

So my footit score is 43 (of target 60), and 9 miles walked so far.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The patch that just keeps on giving !

I popped off in the patch quickly today to see if i could pick up a Water Rail - Well an hour later I was still there ;-)

Nothing noteworthy on the lake , but as I stopped in the best area for them, just down from the car park , 2 REED BUNTINGS came into view from a pish, 10 minutes later and without a sound from the reeds , I accidentally played my iPod loud , Immediately one started "Sharming" ( Squealing to you and me ) about 5 feet away - Ash Suddenly appeared round the corner pleased with his 2 WATER RAILS only to find that I was one of them ;-) (YT-52) 

After spending a pleasant 5 minutes in Ash's company and not seeing a great deal , we parted company as I wanted to try the paddocks for Green Wood and Ash was heading home , i decided to detour into the A5 pine belt and glad i did - 4 GOLDCRESTS and a single COAL TIT later - I was well pleased (YT-53) 

Not expecting anything else exciting I headed back to the car , but on the journey home a delightful ROOK was perched on top of a lamppost as I entered Bradwell - which was nice (YT-54)



Some pictures from 3rd January 

Hmm ? Fishy ? 

Like a bullet from a gun ! 

Probably an eagle or summink ! 

I do love my new camera , but I wish i knew how to stop the auto focus malarky ! 

Back on the Patch !!! And what a story already to tell !

Hi All

So 2014 - a new birder on the patch and so a friendly competition is born ! - I have also entered FootIt this year so need a big January ! Especially as Ashley had a first for the patch in the form of a flyover BRAMBLING !

Well what a blinding start - Just been back through the Blog from 2012 and found out that I had seen 53 on 17th Feb - well its 7th January and I am already hitting 51 ! So great balls so far !


1 Male GOOSANDER headed east just north of the FloodPlain on Saturday 4th Jan - Patch 1st ! putting me on 99 Species ! What will be 100th - answers on a postcard ( or comment ! )

LITTLE GREBE - 3 seen in Smew arm of Lodge lake on Sunday 5th Jan

4 SNIPE flushed on Flood plain - Friday 3rd Jan
2 SNIPE flushed on Flood plain - Tuesday 7th Jan

2 GREAT BLACK BACKED GULLS over the BP garage on Sunday 5th Jan

1 KINGFISHER along the river - Sunday 5th Jan

1 JAY by the Abbey on Sunday 5th Jan

1 GOLDCREST by hills and hollows on Sunday 5th Jan

2 TREECREEPERS calling in Bancroft on Tuesday 7th Jan

3 MEADOW PIPITS over flood plain on Saturday 4th Jan

7 LINNETS on Blue Bridges on Tuesday 7th Jan

so good days already !



Thursday, 2 January 2014

First visit to Salthouse this year

Having decided on Salthouse as my patch for Patch Work Challenge 2014 I thought I ought to make the effort and get down there to kick off my list. After another lazy start Ness and I parked up by the duck pond and headed down to the beach car park...well simply 'beach' would be more accurate.

This is the view from near the end of the beach road, with the car park to the right

The emergency telephone

Looking back across the car park area towards Walsey Hills and Little Eye. I doubt many of us will be photographing waders here this year!

Picked up the typical easy species on the exposed marsh, although numbers seemed down from previous years - I wonder how the salt will impact the flora and fauna over the coming year and therefore the bird species present. For example, I doubt there are many small mammals, fish or amphibians left alive on the marsh, so I don't expect Barn Owl to be hunting.

There was a nice Red-throated Diver just off the beach at Gramborough Hill, showing very well (don't let the rubbish photo fool you) and a couple of Guillemot flew past but little else moving over the sea. The big surprise were the new 'cliffs'!

The new 'cliffs' at Gramborough Hill
We stopped off briefly at The Quag to look for the Richard's Pipit but it had dropped into the deep grass area on Kelling Hards, so didn't give it long (I am probably going to regret that...). The area is still a mess after the storm with masses of reeds and bits of Cley NWT's North hide scattered around. The water meadows were devoid of birds.

In all, the walk was 2.5 miles and I only managed 38 species (40 points):

Pink-footed Goose
Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull
Egyptian Goose
Great Black-backed Gull
House Sparrow
Common Gull
Meadow Pipit
Brent Goose
Red-throated Diver
Canada Goose
Carrion Crow
Greylag Goose
Mute Swan
Stock Dove
Black-tailed Godwit