Saturday, 31 March 2012

Spadger update

OK, remember how excited I was to get a male House Sparrow in the garden?

Well, he has stuck around and there was a female on the feeders this morning! Looks like they are nesting in my neighbours eaves!

Friday, 30 March 2012


Just seen that Rob Norris had a Red Kite over "Bradwell" today ;-( just called Rob for more details ......

Addendum - Phew , looks like it was over Bradville , but thats only 300 metres from Bancroft ......

Vis Migging !

Great migration over the patch tonight

first off @ 17:45 when a COMON BUZZARD flew high North West over my house , it was clearly a migrant rather then one of the locals as it was keeping to one straight line and flappping and gliding while maintaining a steady height.

Then a quick stop off in  the layby to scan the lake , nothing on the lake , but something caused me to look up where a flock of 40 FIELDFARES and 1 REDWING was flying over quite high in a due easterly direction , this was followed a minute later by a second flock , this time of 42 FIELDFARES

I wondered if these were some of the 500+ FIELDFARES that i found feeding in a single field today , just west of Nash ( to the west of MK )

Great few moments of patching ....




Dunlin new in this morning, along with five Sand Martins and a singing Blackcap. I want some rain please!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Spring movement

21 Redwing and a single Fieldfare were the surprise this morning and there were far fewer Siskin in the woods too - only a couple heard this morning.

Looks like the 4 Chiffchaff singing in the same places have sorted out their territories in the north part of the wood plus 6 Crossbills overhead at the Clay pits. Also a nice Muntjack and a buck Roe Deer following a doe around.


Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Imm Peregrine over Broom tonight, along with 35 Golden Plovers.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Evening walk in the woods

Spent the evening walking in the woods. There were a pair of Mallard on the Clay Pits, a couple of nice Treecreepers, at least 4 singing Chiffchaff around the woods.

The main surprise was a singing Grey Partridge near the long hedge as I headed back at dusk. This is only the second time I have recorded the species in the Parish.

Lovely evening

No Little Gulls at Broom tonight, but a good movement of 61+ Common Gulls north.

Things are starting to happen

At least something new has turned up today.  A really brief visit before work this morning picked up two Sand Martins, and Matt Burgess found four adult Little Gulls mid-morning.  So I popped back at lunchtime to see all four skimming over the main lake magic!  Looks like Mark Thomas has now got five over there mid-afternoon.

Another long ride in the saddle

A long ride from my car MOT saw me arrive on the patch @ 11am - an hour and a half later , not a lot !

First off @ Bluebridge ( Flood plain ) 1 Chiffchaff and 1 Little Egret

Northern edge of flood Plain
This will get Redstart soon !

Then onto Bancroft Park , despite spending 35 minutes in this section , 6 Chiffchaff and a male Blackcap were the highlights , with a female Sparrowhawk circling

2 Green Woods were yaffling , one on far paddock and the other @ the Lake

Southerne end of Big lake, looking North  (Lodge Lake)
This was where the Garganeys were last May !

A further 4 Chiffchaffs also singing , Southern Pond, Lake, Pinewood and Far Paddock, another Little Egret  along Middle Stream. Great day to be out though !!!! the Wasteground has to score soon ......

Hills and Hollows sun trap
And this is my dead cert Hoopoe and Wryneck area ;-)

but nothing is as good as finding a patch first ( well my first true love patch ! )

One of the 4 Little Gulls @ Furzton

There is a Little Gull in there, Honest !

Monday, 26 March 2012

What a lark!

Having realised that I have only wandered around the fields on my patch a couple of times this year, decided it was time to start. Open skies, fields, loads of hedgerows, farm must be dripping with migrants.

Off to a good start with a male Reed Bunting on the long hedge (different bird to the bright male on the wet field), then a couple of Red legged Partridges...looking good, looking good!

Chiffchaff near Church farmhouse...then nothing much for best part of an hour. All the fields with gorse hedging (perfect for Chats, Wryneck and Ouzels) - empty. The recently ploughed fields (Stone Curlew anyone?) - empty.

Only wandering back past Church farmhouse, still diligently scanning the empty fields, did I find a small flock of feeding Larks in the field to the west of the track. That will be the field looking directly into the sun. My brain went something like this:

Birds 1,2,3,4 are Skylarks.
Wait. What's the 5th bird?
Skulking, not upright and proud like the Skylarks.
No, Lark.
Small, dumpy, bright super'.
Buff streaky flanks.
Come on, fly and call...and please move out of the sun!

5 minutes or so later 2 of the Skylarks fly around me and drop down over a small rise. I move to get a less nasty sun angle.
Now can't find any of the brown Larks in the brown field.

Wait, that's a Little Owl calling behind me.
Now, where have the Larks gone?

Unfortunately, I had to get back home, so this Lark was one that got away. Probably just a runt Skylark but may have been a Woodlark...

Anyway, the long overdue Little Owl was my 90th species on the patch and 74th for the year.

Guess I need to spend more time in the fields.

Lovely weather , rubbish birds

2 Chiffchaffs - one in the Pinewood and one @ Lodge Lake , 4 GC Grebes , 1 female Sparrowhawk over the Pinewood , not a single species in Middle Paddock , Bradwell Abbey Paddock or the wasteground

Dire all over !


Cropped and chopped

The newly manicured Peacock's Island looks great for the coming spring. The Bh Gulls have gone straight on to it after our afternoon on there yesterday. Maybe we'll repeat the Avocet, Knot, Barwit treble like last year?

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Saturday and Sunday - not a lot

A few stop and run visits over the weekend with not a lot to show for it ....

The 3 GREYLAG GEESE flew over my house yday. they were not on the lake for the past 3 days ! so no idea where they were ! The Wasteground continues to look like it will have ROuzels, Wheatears and Black reds dripping from every pore .... it had a couple of Pied Wagtails .... up to 7 Great Crested Grebes now and a Chiffchaff in the Pinewood the only other species of note ......

Back out tomorrow morning - this good weather must push a Red Kite or a Lapwing over ! ;-)


Weekend in the Garden

Spent the weekend in the garden, trying to catch up with some overdue jobs.
A Grey Heron over on Saturday was nice but not as nice the Med Gull today (73/89).
Unfortunately I was next door at the time, so missed out on a garden tick...but pleased to get one in the parish (there were 2 adults following a plough at the watchpoint last week).

Not again

I wish this early morning fog would hurry up and move on.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

After the fog

Just one White Wag around the main lake this morning so far. Otherwise pretty standard stuff.

Friday, 23 March 2012

More Chiffs move in and Flutterbys

Wonderful day to be out ! Almost summer weather ! 2 new CHIFFCHAFFS in by Southern Pond , 1 by Bancroft Stream and 1 by Flood Plain, 8 Adult LBB Gulls flew over in a V high north , Green Wood by Lodge Lake , which now Houses 7 GC Grebes. Little Egret by Bradwell Abbey , 2 Mistle Thrushes along Bancroft Stream.
Lots of Butterflies on wing , 4 Different Brimstones, a white ( assume large but can't remember them ! ) Tortoiseshell and Peacock , Coots, Moorhens , GC Grebe and Swans now nesting on Lodge Lake.




...I'll go in to work early this morning! Might come back at lunchtime.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Another Chiffer

Another Chiffchaff , this time along Bancroft Stream, also 8 LBB Gulls , 1 Common Gull and 1 Herring Gull flew north Cheers Si


Med Gull on GLE this lunchtime.

Chiffchaff Buses !

You wait for ages and then 4 come along at once ! 4 singing CHIFFCHAFFS @ Hills and Hollows this morning , presumed new in overnight.

Great array of singing common Birds this morning on a great spring morning walk around the village and Bradwell Stream

35 Blackbirds , only a few singing , most feeding , 11 Collared Doves "cooing" , 6 Greenfinches , 4 Goldfinches , 29 Blue Tits , only 5 Great Tits , 2 Long Tailed Tits , 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers in the same tree having a fight , 2 Green Woodpeckers , 8 Dunnock , 35 Magpies, 18 Robins, 4 Canada Geese in paddock near Bradwell Pond , also 4 male Mallards  plus House Sparrows , Jackdaws, Carrion Crows and loads of Woodpigeons , 1 Grey Heron feeding in stream.

few unid Buntings and finches over !

Great day , cant wait to get out later




And there it goes! Just seconds after sending that last message a marvelous male Mandarin flies right over the top of me! Nice.

A hint of goodness

A bit of east in the wind this morning raised my hopes of something exciting turning up. However the best I can muster so far has been a female Merlin.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Thats all the regulars...

Seems I have now recorded all the species I would expect by this time (plus a few surprises). The latest was Treecreeper (72) - I have heard them a few times over the past month or so but wanted to see one before adding it to the year list. I had to give in when one was singing from the trees opposite my drive...and Si was quite insistent ;-)

So, what now? The good news is that spring is here and passage has started. I am a little concerned that although I now live in Norfolk and not too many miles from the coast, I am probably too far inland to get large numbers of migrants as they stop when they reach the North Sea.

And I don't have any real water habitat for waders, ducks etc.

I guess continued diligence and some dedicated time working on vizmig over the next 6 weeks or so will provide a few least I hope so! I will also continue to explore the areas I don't visit as much and maybe find something new. I do expect another 15 or so species plus a few unexpected birds...

BTW, the Reed Bunting was still present this evening and seems to have found a mate...maybe we'll have little Reed Buntings later in the year?

White Wag

Male White Wag on the Washout pit tonight, amongst at least 75 Pied Wags.

Patch Tedium lifted Slightly !

Although I have been out every day on the patch since my last posting , I simply have not seen anything worth noting ... A couple of Bullfinches, the odd Little Egret etc , today saw me spending an hour on Wasteground and Lodge lake , the wasteground held nothing but a flyover MEADOW PIPIT (YT - 62) was nice ! There are now 3 GREYLAGS in the flock and at least 10 Canada Geese , only 3 GC Grebes noted today , quite a few Moorhens calling and swimming about , rough estimate easily in the low 20's. A quick look in the pinewood revealed 2 JAYS and a Singing Goldcrest , nothing at Middle Paddock

I now intend to do some proper birding @ Linford ;-)


Monday, 19 March 2012


The best I could muster this evening was 39 Pied Wags and a handful of winter thrushes moving high east.


Another good bird for 'Gypsy Lane East'!  Kittiwake on this lunchtimes visit.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Spring bonus

Another good hour on the patch this morning.  Several PYT's, including, rather embarrassingly, Pheasant.

Best bird was this Kingfisher, seen along the river behind Oakgrove.  Presumably a nest somewhere.  Really good to see though.  I was hoping for one at some point this year, but I could easily have missed out.

Also 2 Mipits singing, the usual pair of Reed Buntings, a singing Chiffchaff, 3 Great Black-backs over, and a pair of Bullfinch.

Less pleasing was at the far end of the plain, where some fat couple were "walking" their 2 German Shepherds, which understandably took great pleasure at being off the leash, bounding all through the grass.  That'll do for a few Skylark nests I imagine.

CMK soon cheered me up though.  One of my favourite pleasures of spring is the first pristine male Wheatear, and there were 2 at CMK today, plus one female.  All three were typically active as they fed continually.  There should be many more over the next 8 weeks.  CMK actually looks better now than it did in it's heyday of 5-6 years ago.  If the development stays away, we should be in for a fine spring here - bring on the Black Redstarts!


First spring migrant this afternoon - a Chiffchaff in the hedge by Old Hall Farm (#70). Also some Crossbills and Boris at the Clay Pits, loads of Siskin knocking around the woods and the Kestrels (1 male, 2 female) still hanging around together near the Church.

And the House Sparrow continues its stay, singing regularly from the hedge by the chickens.


Saturday, 17 March 2012


It's a Wheatear up a tree. Almost as good as yesterdays Green-winged Teal. Didn't find either of them.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Exciting stuff

At the insistence of Si ("you never post, you lazy git"), I thought I'd report a couple of interesting sightings.

First of all at Campbell Park today, 2 Great Black-back Gulls - an adult and a 1st-w - flew over west, a patch year-tick.  Also 1 Jay and a male Sparrowhawk.

And there's been two notable flyovers on my walk to work this week - 2 Siskins today, and 1 Mipit on Wednesday.

Work gets in the way

Nothing at Broom this morning, and work kept me from going with Richard back to Broom at lunchtime.  Unfortunately he found a goodie when I was still in a meeting Green-winged Teal!  Luckily it was still showing when I rolled up for a late-lunch.
Gypsy Lane East is certainly turning up the goods at the moment Green-winged Teal, Glossy Ibis, Little Gull, Pied Wagtail...  Wonder whats next?

Thursday, 15 March 2012

And you thought Broom was foggy ....

After an aborted trip to Linford , I thought i would drop in to Lodge Lake to see if anything there

Answer - nope , couldnt see it !

There is a Cormorant somewhere in there , and a raft its sitting on
The male LITTLE GREBE was at the edge of Smew Arm but quickly buggered off into the gloom ! a WATER RAIL also called from the same small reedbed as last time , which was nice ;-)

Onto Big arm and George was still there , wary as ever ;-)

 and 3 Great Crested Grebes were hugging the shoreline

7 Canada Geese were also making a racket - will try again this afternoon now its brightened up !

Tour of Broom part 4

And here's the main (or Peacocks) lake. I expect Little Gulls, Black Terns, and Arctic Terns here in a few weeks. Today, I saw my THIRD species of the morning - a cracking Canada Goose!

The rest of the tour will resume in a day or two.

Tour of Broom part 3

This is the flood at the north end of Gypsy Lane West. Plovers and pipits abound here. Honest.

Tour of Broom part 2

Here you can see Gypsy Lane West pits.

A tour of Broom

As there are no birds to see this morning I thought a tour of Broom was in order. Here you can see Gypsy Lane East pits. These will be a wader mecca in a few weeks time.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

A Grey-t start to the day ...

Well actually , it started Black , Blacky , the male BLACKCAP was feeding on one of the apples I put out last week in the Garden - this is the 4th visit this year, also Song Thrush on the lawn.

The misty conditions looked great , but I was sorting some stuff out in the study and had to get ready to drive to Wokingham, a large bird caught my eye as it flew low over the rooftops ...... GREYLAG GOOSE ! Could'nt believe it ! , I was still in shock when I went out into the back garden 5 minutes later , and pondering what i was going to say in this hallowed Blog , i look out the back and the same Greylag is flying along Church road at the end of the park ! Crazy

I then go to Wokingham , Caldecotte , College Lake ;-) !!!! YES ! before stopping off @ Wymbush and Big arm for a quick look

I had only been lamenting to Steve earlier in the day how no Pied Wags have been anywhere near Bradwell , when a smart male PIED WAGTAIL flys in calling , looks at the pools and heads back off over the industrial estate, only the 2nd this year on the patch , i then drive round to the Layby and scan the Big Arm , the Pied Wag takes pity on me and flys in calling as if to say , well bloody look at me then ! A quick scan reveals .... GEORGE !!! The Greylag , he found the lake ;-) and was nicely settled into sitting down with the mallards

And to think I was worrying ;-) (YT-61) 

George !
George Closer
Red Throated Diver - OML !

Bloody miles away !

Drive by birding ! 13th March

A quick stop in the layby to scan over the Big lake and middle paddock revealed , not a lot !

A Jay flew along the back of middle paddock , while a Green Woodpecker tried its hardest to hide from me , a few Greenfinches and Chaffinches flew over , Big arm only had 3 Great Crested Grebes and the normal dross , including Boris the Mute Swan Bully , still intent on beating up Canada Geese !

Nothing yet , on Wymbush wasteland , but any day now !!! Bradwell Paddock still holds 27 Redwing and a lone Fieldfare - I also tried out my newly found digi-binning skills !

Yep , Wood Pigeon !


Missed the two Pintail at Broom tonight. They flew off by the time I got out of work. The best I could muster were three Redshanks, three Ringed Plovers, and a Dunlin.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Garden Rarity

Had a nice wander around the woods this morning, Boris the Buzzard was still hanging around the Clay Pits, eyeing up the pair of Mallard (waiting for them to keel over?) but no sign of any Willow Tits.

A large female Sparrowhawk flushed everything as I walked down the road and the 2 female Kestrels are still hanging around near the Church - I haven't seen the male for a while.

The first highlight of the walk was a Barn Owl hunting the field edges near the box they nested in last year.

The real highlight ended up being on my feeders when I got home - a male House Sparrow! Only the second time I have seen one in the garden, the first was a male on the 18th February last year. Its amazing how much excitement a Spadger can cause...especially as the senior half of team Wilson still needs it on their garden list ;-)


Smarties have the answer

And the question was "what was the next new year bird going to be?"

Sand Martin of course! Two over the main lake this morning.

Monday, 12 March 2012


Not one, but two Greylags flew past my office window this morning...69 for the year :)



A Dunlin on GLE and a Redshank on Peacocks Island were lunchtimes highlights.  Not quite the wader-fest I was hoping for.

No birds at Gloom

Two Greylags, two Black-headed Gulls, and a Coot is all I could see at Broom this morning.

Blimey, it sounds like Si's patch, doesn't it! ;-)

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Little Egret

.... Was the only bird I saw on the patch today ! and that was from the car by the Concrete Cows

Rest of the time was made up going to sisters birthday party and co-finding this @ linford (Robs real patch ;-) ) ....

Rubbish pics

Still rubbish Pic

Could it get any worse !

Willow Tastic

The mighty clay pits deliver again! Well, the general area did this morning.

Willow Tit, singing and showing off its pale wing panel (although a tidy bib had me confused on first view).

87 life and 68 for the year.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

A walk in the woods

After a week of neglect I spent 2 hours walking in the woods this morning, and I remembered to take a camera with me.
At the entrance to the woods - a warning to future trespassers
Lots of Roe Deer this morning, none wanting to pose for a photo.
He can't see me
Run away! Run away!

The Clay Pits were excellent as usual, with a single drake Mallard and 9 Crossbills (in the trees, not the water). The water level is up, following all the rain recently, and this has got the toads all excited with loads of activity and spawn in the shallow pool.
A pair of Crossbills in a suitable tree

The woods didn’t produce the hoped for Treecreeper or Willow Tit so I decided to head back via the Church to take in some farmland.
Proving that there is life on The Pond
During my usual pointless scan of the ‘reeds’ in the wet field I was quite surprised to find a spanking male Reed Bunting! A proper patch tick – 86 for the patch and 67 for the year.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Just like buses ! 8th March 2012

.... Why was i getting worried about Treecreeper and Jay ? ! 2 TREECREEPERS feeding in the Hills and Hollows today and a JAY feeding by middle Paddock were the highlights of a 2 hour bike ride around the patch
A Jay !

Very litle else of note , 5 Little Egrets ( 4 in Bancroft Stream amd one in southern section ) , 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers inc pair in Bancroft North wood , 1 Green Woodpecker , male LITTLE GREBE in Smew Arm , the GC Grebes have built a nest already in the Big Arm, 8 Redwing still remain in Bradwell Abbey Paddock

Unfortunately I have just found another good area in the northern part of the industrial area where a recent demoliton has taken place , screaming out for LRP and Wheatear ! is now part of my daily stops ;-)

There are lots of little pools out there ......

Now thinking I have missed Siskin and Redpoll for the year ;-(

Really need another patch tick to keep the enthusiasm up ! ;-) but at least i am not as down as the next chap


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

More bloody tufties !

And I thought they were scarce ! Another ( the same ? ) pair of TUFTED DUCKS were in big arm today . the Canada flock has increased to 14 and 4 GC Grebes are now 2 proper pairs and everything ! 3 Cormorants were the only other birds of note

A quick dash round to the Flood Plain - 2 Grey Herons , 4 BH Gulls and a Mallard were the only water birds present , I just need it to flood for the next month and Garganeys ho ! ;-)


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Group hug?

We're all loving our local patches at the moment!


Ringed Plover, Brent Goose, Redshank, Little Egret...all from the bedroom window!

And I am not dreaming!

Its just a shame I am in Salthouse and not Swanton Novers. Normal patch boredom will resume shortly.


Glossy Ring-piece

That's where Beds first Glossy Ibis was. About an hour ago. I didn't see it. I'm not happy.

Patch dipping ;-(

Kellie had a male PHEASANT this morning on the opp side of the dual carrigeway to the Bradwell entrance on the H3 @ 08:25 - I wasn't able to get out there until 09:15 and despite walking the entire length of the Bancroft H3 , there was no sign of it ;-(

One that got away .......

On a positive note (!) there are now 5 Great Crested Grebes on the big arm ! woo hoo - I didnt look anywhere else other then the Flood plain , which wasnt that flooded anymore and the bit that was , was frozen ;-) !


Monday, 5 March 2012

Dull as ditchwater

Despite saying to Rob that I couldnt be bothered to post, I thought I would share a few photos af the last couple of days as well as boring you with todays visit.

Rob tipped me off that Flood plain had , well .... Flooded , so a 20 minute look this morning revealed ...... 4 Black Headed Gulls ! 30+ Redwing flew over.

a 25 minute walk round Big and Smew arm and fishermans island didnt turn up anything interesting other then 1 GC Grebe, 1 Little Egret ( roosting with a Grey Heron) 8 Canada Geese and a new high of 6 Cormorants - 2 of which headed off to Caldecotte after a while !

but the pics are nice ( if not taken well ;-) )


Little Egret in Cricket Pitch Stream

Cracking new area which i spent 45 minutes in - saw a Redwing !

The Flood Plain - doing what it does best !

Black tailed Godwits .... Redshanks ... Well BH Gulls anyway !

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Another flyover

2 Siskin flew over the house this morning, which brings my patch year list to about 50 I think.  Siskin winter on the estate in very small numbers, ranging widely, but these are the first I've seen on Oldbrook this year.

Visit to Oakgrove yesterday rather dull - 3 Grey Heron, a few Fieldfare and Redwing, and a couple of Buzzards.  Such is Buzzard's status around here now it's very difficult to confirm which birds are local breeders just going for a wander, and which birds are part of the traditional early spring passage.  For what it's worth, my guess is most are passage birds.

Raptors , but not much else !

A SPARROWHAWK over the house early on was nice, then a bike ride with the kids (No bins !) revealed the presence of 3 BUZZARDS chilling over the Hills and hollows , nothing new on the Lake , 4 Cormorants the low light !


Red-crested Pochard OTL!

Friday, 2 March 2012

All getting a bit Samey !

and hour and a half visit yesterday and 2 hours today on the bike didnt throw up any surprises , still no small finches despite heavily laden alders ;-(

Yesterdays highlights were Goldcrest @ Hills and Hollows , 3 Little Egrets along the stream , Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker @ Lodge Lake , 6 Bullfinch around the lake. The Tufted Ducks had the decency to move on overnight !

Today there were 4 Bullfinch @ the avenues , 2 Bullfinch at Southern Pond , 2 JAYS flushed on Hills and Hollows , now 2 LITTLE GREBES ( male and drab female) 4 Great crested Grebes is an increase of one. still 9 Canada Geese, 2 Little Egrets in Bancroft Stream and 1 on CPS, at least 3 Great Spotted Woodys today and 2 Green. masses of Robins , upwards of 30 - 40 individuals , still at least 60 Redwing hanging on in there , hearing quite a few going over at night now.

not sure what the next patch tick will be ! a COAL TIT in the garden this afternoon is only the 2nd of the year.


Thursday, 1 March 2012


This chap was sitting on the gravel at lunchtime today. Tricky bird to get usually at Broom, and most records are autumn ones. Thanks Mr Bashford!

Swanton Novers – February 2012 round-up

February involved the start of a real effort to get out in the Parish and start to watch different areas much more frequently. The extra diligence paid off with 14 species added to the year list and a couple of good patch ticks too!
The highlight of the month actually appeared on the last day – a male PEREGRINE over the garden and it was nice that my parents were there to see it too. The Teal on the various ponds were a real surprise to me – I didn’t expect them in such wooded habitat and the lone Lapwing was a long overdue patch tick for me. The other good bird was the 1st winter Grey Wagtail on the Clay Pits – I guess it has wintered here.

Click read more to see the full February list.

Misty spring morning

Buzzard in a tree, obviously.

A beautiful morning to start off March. Daffodils are starting to show flower heads along the road and I noticed new leaves starting to appear in the low plants through the woods. I only managed to get as far as the Clay Pits because I was distracted by a fantastic Buzzard.

I flushed it from one of the trees by Wood Lane and instead of the typical Buzzard behaviour (i.e. disappear into the woods) it landed in a tree on the other side of the second pit. It sat there for a while then moved to a pine and started to preen.

I guess that it had been bathing earlier on the morning and was drying off when I arrived. At least I had a camera with me, although only the baby lens and it was very misty, so only crappy record images.

PS. For Si - there was a Tawny Owl singing in the dawn chorus at 06:00 this morning :-)
